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Increase Your Lessons, Club Fittings and Club Sales

Posted: October 14, 2019

With the winter season approaching, many clubhouses across the country have the same idea that colder months make for slower months. Their golf courses will close due to extreme weather conditions and many members tend to stay away until the greens are seen. This tends to stop golf lessons and decreases the sales in club fittings as well. For courses that have a golf simulator, the story is quite different. Having recently surveyed courses that had installed a Full Swing Simulator, over 85% of clubhouses are giving lessons at times of the day or year that were previously not possible. 

For clubhouses such as Valley of the Eagles — located in Elyria, Ohio — their busy season is year-round! During their long winter months, which tend to last 5-6 months, lessons can still be given during any day with later times. This gives new opportunities to people wanting to learn the sport and increase traffic that is brought into the clubhouse. Not only does it increase the number of lessons being given, but new golfers have can play a full 18-hole individually or with a group within an hour. According to Head Golf Professional, Barry Frieman, “Our ROI has been so good, we’re looking to get two more simulators for this coming fall and winter”. 

Click below to learn more about installing a Full Swing Simulator at your course!