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Posted: February 11, 2011

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WEST POINT, N.Y.  – Thanks to the generosity of Darrell Massie and his company IPERC, the Army golf team has a new way to practice.

Massie, the founder of Intelligent Power and Energy Resource Company who served for over 20 years as a commissioned officer in the US Army Corps of Engineers, was the lead donor that brought the Full Swing golf simulator to West Point and the Groves Training Facility. The Full Swing Golf simulator is utilized by courses, training facilities, athletes and celebrities throughout the world and allows golfers another opportunity to play golf.

 Army will house the simulator inside the Groves Training Facility and is utilizing all of its features. In addition to the capabilities of playing courses throughout the world, there are also driving range and short-game modes as well.

 The simulator was originally delivered in December and was officially dedicated on Monday. In addition to Massie, head coach Brian Watts, members of the Army golf team and several Officer Representatives and staff were on hand. 

”I hope this works out well and helps bring you Patriot League championships,” said Massie. “It is mine, IPERC’s and my wife Cheryl’s pleasure to help you guys get better.”

Watts praised Massie for his generosity and stressed how the team was already utilizing the simulator. 

”To build a golf program there are many pieces to the puzzle,” Watts said. “This is a huge piece. With this simulator, we can keep the focus on playing golf and thinking your way around the course, something that is not always possible outside depending on the weather.”

In the past, Army has driven to a local driving range or utilized the Groves Center for winter workouts.

Now, players can select from thousands of courses and play a round, regardless of the weather.
“This is exactly what we need,” said team captain Matt Krembel. “You can’t replicate being on the golf course but this is very, very close. This definitely helps out winter workouts and helps you knock some of the rust off from not playing.”

Full Swing Golf has thousands of simulators in operation and according to the company web site, it recreates all of the excitement and enjoyment of playing a round of golf and promises to deliver an on-course experience with different angles, lies and locations.

Army is currently using the simulator to determine the lineup for its first spring event this weekend. The team is playing Torrey Pines, site of last weekend’s PGA Tour event, with the low scores being used to select the golfers who compete. 

”I love it,” said senior Austin Rhymer. “In the past we had to drive 45 minutes to an outdoor driving range. Now, you have to think your way around the course and you stay competitive. You can still go to the driving range or work on your short game but you can always be on the course and play.”

In addition to allowing the team to practice with all of the clubs in their bags, Watts also expects the team to compete in a national collegiate tournament with the simulator. 

”This keeps the guys playing,” said Watts.

“They can still work on their short game and still practice but we will utilize all of the benefits of the simulator to help us get better. “

Army will open the spring portion of its schedule this weekend with a dual match at Stetson.

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